Monday, February 23, 2009

Intramurals Expectation

I believed college intramurals is all about camaraderie, sportsmanship, and unity. It is where all the crowds make some cheer and excitement, all have it's own favorites or teams. Each teams has it's own best to compete the contrary.

Way back on high school, I have experienced my intramurals very wild and fun. All the teams are exerting there best to win. "one for all, all for one" is what the groups mainly aim.

Now as I step up to the next level in my educational attainment, I expect that the college intarmurals is triple times of fun, excitement, and glory. It is where true games plays, and it is where experts athletes moves. Wherein we come to face the gigantic departmental teams of nursing, combacs, HM, and so on.

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