Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My New Years Resolution

New year is the new beginning and new challenges in our life.In the past year I have so many new years resolution but some of them was unsuccessfully done.This year I promise to myself that my new years resolution will be successfully done this year.

My new years resolution is to be a good daughter to my parents because sometimes I go home late even though my father didn't scolded me but I can feel that di nya gusto na umuuwi aq ng gabi. And to be a good student and to study well and to be a responsible student.

I hope that my new years resolution will be done successfully!!!

Happy New Year!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Intramurals Expectation

I believed college intramurals is all about camaraderie, sportsmanship, and unity. It is where all the crowds make some cheer and excitement, all have it's own favorites or teams. Each teams has it's own best to compete the contrary.

Way back on high school, I have experienced my intramurals very wild and fun. All the teams are exerting there best to win. "one for all, all for one" is what the groups mainly aim.

Now as I step up to the next level in my educational attainment, I expect that the college intarmurals is triple times of fun, excitement, and glory. It is where true games plays, and it is where experts athletes moves. Wherein we come to face the gigantic departmental teams of nursing, combacs, HM, and so on.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Personality Test Result

Enneagram Type 4:Individualist, Artist, Over-Analyzer, Mystic or Melodramatic Elitist
OverviewYou want to be gifted, intuitive, original and unique. More importantly, you want to be passionate, true to your feelings and uniquely authentic. You see yourself as sensitive, expressive and spiritual. You would like others to see you as idealistic, emotionally deep and compassionate. Your idealized image is that you are accomplished and special.
Motivated by the need to understand and to be understood, you desire experiences that are rich with feeling and meaning. You may find it easier to deal with painful emotions than to deal with the tedium of daily routine. You have the temperament of an artist and long to freely express yourself. You feel your emotions deeply and are not afraid to go emotionally where others fear to tread. This includes having an exquisite, intuitive ability to distinguish between subtle emotions that others often miss. Painfully self-conscious, you are often overly focused on how different you are from others. A true humanitarian, you have a natural passion for protest. At times intense and contrary, you are not afraid to think for yourself and voice your point of view.Nostalgic by nature, you often focus on past experiences. This can lead you to deeper insights or to downward spirals of melancholy and/or painful unresolved feelings. Craving ideal circumstances or love, you often ruminate on what is missing and perceived to be important. Your tendency towards self-absorption is both an asset and liability. It can lead you to deep personal insights that can benefit everyone while feeding your self-deprecating sense of humor; but it can also make you appear to be self centered and disinterested in others. Feeling your own inner world so powerfully, it is good to remember that others’ experiences are just as real for them as yours are for you. When you step out of the river of your emotions, you can bring forth your many talents into the world and express them in a way that is extraordinary and original. You are like the lotus flower growing in the mud that is able to transform emotionally painful experiences into fertilizer for personal growth. Attuned to feelings, you have an uncommon sensitivity when it comes to dealing with suffering. You are not afraid to hear about someone else’s troubles, and you can be a great friend to anyone in emotional pain.Need You need be seen as artistic, gifted and accomplished. You focus on your individuality and on carving your own distinct image. You need to express your deep feelings and want others to validate your emotions. Whether you are organizing your living space to reflect your refined tastes or engaging in an artistic pursuit, it is essential for your sense of well being that you express your creativity. AvoidYou avoid feeling lost, disorientated and without personal significance, meaning or direction. You also avoid appearing inadequate, defective or flawed. Most importantly, you have a hidden fear of being emotionally cut off and abandoned. You avoid affectation and anything dull, ordinary, ugly, vulgar, inauthentic or distasteful. VirtueYour greatest strengths are your deep intuition, creativity and ability to transform painful life experiences into opportunities for profound growth and healing. This enables you to identify what is missing, and like a knight on a quest, you search until you find it or create it. Astute about human nature, you believe that everyone is an individual and that all emotions have value. Profound and insightful, you have an uncanny knack for transforming the dull and the ordinary into the exciting and extraordinary. You are able to see and appreciate what is truly unique, special and rare. ViceYour vice is envy. You’re always worrying that others may have gotten a better deal than you or are being recognized while your talents are being overlooked. Hyper-sensitive, you can be moody, haughty and overly emotional, always seeing the grass as greener and the glass half empty. You can be self-absorbed and temperamental, and tend to over-personalize all life experiences and interactions with others. Capable of being emotionally manipulating or overly critical, you are often unaware of the impact your emotional nature has on others. Remember, that you are like a mystic who sees ‘the river beneath the river’ and are not just the swamp of your emotions. Attention Your attention goes to searching for meaning, noticing what is missing, feelings of melancholy and nostalgia, and longing for the unavailable. You appreciate the special, the humane and the beautiful. You like to put your personal signature on everything that you do. Your refined tastes make you a great critic and someone who appreciates the truly exceptional.Spiritual PathYour spiritual journey is to connect to original source and create true meaning. Spiritual growth will come to you when you are able to balance your emotional nature with temperance and equanimity. Keep your powerful emotions in check, and you can create the kind of life that you want. MantraDon’t dwell on the past, and remember to enjoy the pleasure that can be found in each moment. When you have gratitude and the courage to move through your fear of rejection and share your talents, others will honor your original and creative contributions. WingIf you are the Enneagram Type 4 with the 3 Wing, you desire to appear genteel. You see you yourself as fiery, passionate, expressive, energetic, beautiful, and kind.If you are the Enneagram Type 4 with the 5 Wing, you desire to be avant-garde. You see yourself as original, sincere, mysterious, subtle, artistic and independent.Famous 4s Francis Bacon, John Barrymore, Ingmar Bergman, Peter Bogdanovich, Marlon Brando, Jackson Browne, Raymond Burr, Kate Bush, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Prince Charles, Eric Clapton, Kurt Cobain, Judy Collins, James Dean, Johnny Depp, Neil Diamond, Isak Dinesen, Bob Dylan, Judy Garland, Martha Graham, Billie Holliday, Lena Horne, Julio Iglesias, Jeremy Irons, Michael Jackson, Jewel, Angelina Jolie, Janis Joplin, Harvey Keitel, Charles Laughton, T. E. Lawrence, Vivien Leigh, Rod McKuen, Thomas Merton, Joni Mitchell, Jim Morrison, Morrissey, Edvard Munch, Liam Neeson, Stevie Nicks, Anais Nin, Nick Nolte, Laurence Olivier, Paris, Edith Piaf, Pink Floyd, Sylvia Plath, Edgar Allen Poe, Prince, Anne Rice, Percy Shelley, Simone Signoret, Paul Simon, Meryl Streep, James Taylor, Spencer Tracy, Vincent Van Gogh, Orson Welles, Tennessee Williams, Kate Winslet, Virginia Woolf.

President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's Speech during the 1st Laguna Investment and Business Expo
Event Center, SM Sta. RosaSta. Rosa City, LagunaNovember 4, 2008

Thank you, Secretary Lazaro. Maraming salamat sa pagpakilala mo sa akin at maraming salamat sa inyong pag-imbita sa akin at sa mga Cabinet members na dumalo dito.
Mayor Arcillas Nazareno, congratulations din! Congressman Dan Fernandez, Congressman Evie Arago, siyempre si President Mamon ng Laguna Chamber otherwise known as Mr. Enchanted Kingdom, (applause) at ang ating mga Cabinet members na napakaraming narito and the national agencies. Congratulations on this Investment and Business Expo! (Applause)
This Expo demonstrates a vibrant private-public sector partnership. And held in the midst of the global economic storm, it also demonstrates that the Philippines is in relatively good shape. Gaya nga nang sabi ni Ning Lazaro kanina nung kami ay nakaupo, "Eh tignan niyo naman ang Laguna parang walang global crisis." Congratulations sa Laguna! (Applause)
Laguna has carved out a name as the industrial area with perhaps the widest array of investment venues in what we call the Luzon Urban Beltway. And it is also part of the Cyber Corridor. In fact, one reason why Rey Chua is here, our ICT chair, together with Larry and Peter, is that we are proud to congratulate Metro Laguna, made up of Sta. Rosa, Calamba, San Pablo, Cabuyao and Los BaƱos, as having been selected by the Business Process Outsourcing Association as the next wave city's, number one after Metro Manila. (Applause) So, it is indeed a part of the Cyber Corridor as well.

Curriculum Vitae of Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

Curriculum VitaeI.FAMILY
a. Date and Place of Birth:April 5, 1947; San Juanb. Parents:Diosdado Pangan Macapagal 9th President of the Republic of thePhilippinesBorn, September 28, 1910; Died, April 21, '97 Dr. Evangelina Macaraeg-Macapagal Born, Nov. 1, 1915; Died, May 16, 1999c. Husband:Atty. Jose Miguel Tuason Arroyo (Ateneo School of Law 1972)Born, June 27, 1946Married on August 2, 1968d.Children:Juan Miguel Born, April 26, 1969Graduate Diploma in Business Administration, University of California at Berkeley Evangelina LourdesBorn, June 5, 1971MS in Foreign Service, GeorgetownUniversity Diosdado Ignacio Jose MariaBorn, September 4, 1974BS in Legal Management, Ateneo de NagaII. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: PrimaryAssumption Convent High School; 1954-1960SecondaryAssumption Convent HS; 1960-1964; ValedictorianTertiaryGeorgetown University, 1964-66, AB Economics; Dean’s Lister Assumption College, 1968, AB Economics Magna cum Laude Post GraduateAteneo de Manila University, 1978, MA Economics UP School of Economics, 1985, Ph.D. in Economics III. CONCISE PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND:Assistant Professor, Ateneo de ManilaUniversity; 1977-87 Chair, Economics Dept, Assumption College; 1984-87 Professor, UP School of Economics; 1977-87 Professor, Mary Knoll CollegeProfessor, St. Scholastica’s College Assistant Secretary, Department of Trade and Industry; 1987-89 Executive Director, Garments and Textile Export Board; 1988-90Undersecretary, Department of Trade and Industry; 1989-92 Senator, 1992-1998Secretary, Department of Social Welfare and Development, July 1998-October 2000 Vice President, July 1998-January 20, 2001 President, January 20, 2001-presentOther positions held:Chairman and President, UP Health Maintenance Organization (1989-1998) Executive Director, Philippine Center for Economic Development (1994-1998)Chairman, UP Economic Foundation (1994-1998)Member, Presidential Task Force on Tax and Tariff Reforms (1994-1998) Member, Technical Working Group of the Philippine National Development Plan for the 21st Century (Committee on National Framework for Regional Development and Macroeconomics Framework for Development Financing)IV. MEMBERSHIP IN ORGANIZATIONS(Past & Present):Association for Philippines-China Understanding (APCU) Philippine Economics SocietyGeorgetown Club of the Philippines Concerned Women of the PhilippinesV. Elective Positions Held in Specific Years: Senator, 1992-1998Vice President, July 1998-January 20, 2001VI. Awards / Commendations / Citations: Reporter Philippine Magazine, Weekly Graphic Senator, Outstanding>Magazine, Public Eye Magazine, Trade Union Congress of the Philippines, and by Emil Jurado (Manila Standard Columnist)Woman of the Year, Catholic Education Association of the Philippines Ulirang Ina, Ulirang Ina Awards Committee, 13 May 2001 One of Asia’s Most Powerful Women, Asiaweek Making a Difference for Women – Women of Distinction Award, Soroptimist International of the Philippines Region, 30 May 2003 Most Distinguished Alumna, University of the Philippines Alumni Association (UPAA), 16 June 2001VII. Others: Doctor of Laws degree, honoris causa, Waseda University, Japan, May 2002 Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws, Fordham University, 21 May 2003 Honorary Community College Associate Degree in International Relations, Honoris Causa, City College of San Francisco, August 2003Doctorate Degree in Economics, honoris causa, Tsinghua University, 30 October 2001 Degree of Doctor of Humanities (honoris causa), Mapua Institute of Technology, 29 January 2004 Doctor of Laws (honoris causa), La Trobe University, 2000 Honorary Degree of Doctor of Law, honoris causa, Old Dominion University, April 2003 Recipient of the Rockefeller Foundation Scholarship (1978-1983)Recipient of the Japan Foundation Grant (1976-1977) Recipient of the UPSE Fellowship (1970-1971)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

On Tuesday morning, September 11, 2001, the U.S. is attacked by terroristsin New York City and Washington, and the world changes forever.Sept. 11: Hijacked jetliners hit the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon outsideWashington. A fourth hijacked plane crashes into a field in Pennsylvania. Trading on WallStreet is stopped. The Federal Aviation Administration halts all flight operations at the nation'sairports for the first time in U.S. history. U.S. military is placed on high alert. President Bushaddresses the nation and vows to "find those responsible and bring them to justice." Hundredsof New York City firemen and policemen sent to rescue WTC workers are lost when the WTCTwin Towers collapse. Reaction from international leaders is swift as world leaders react withoutrage over the attacks. Go to Attack Images/Morning Timeline. Go to Bush Images/Timeline.